購買公司糖原Ⅸ產品,我們對糖原Ⅸ產品進行統(tǒng)一的包裝,根據客戶要求選擇優(yōu)質的快遞,全國范圍內免費快遞上門! 中文名稱: 糖原Ⅸ 其他中文名稱: 糖原九型;糖元九型;肝淀粉;動物淀粉;肝糖;α-1,6-葡聚糖 糖原Ⅸ英文名稱: Glycogen(Ⅸ) from bovine liver 其他英文名稱: Glycogen from bovine liver 產品規(guī)格: BR,牛肝提取 包裝:1克 CAS號:9005-79-2 分子式:(C6H10O5) n 級別:BR 類型:Type IX 提取來源:牛肝 葡萄糖含量:≥85.0% 干燥失重:≤10.0% 性狀:粉末。分子量25000-100000。無氣味。有甜味。溶于水,微有乳,溶于熱乙醇,不溶于乙醇。對斐林氏溶液無還原反應,對碘呈棕到紫色 糖原Ⅸ提供的品牌有:Sigma-Aldrich、Amresco、Amersham、Serva、AppliChem、Nacalai Tesque、Biomiga、Merck、Spectrum、BioAssay Systems、Jaica、Scharlab等國內外試劑品牌。 公司提供糖原Ⅸ品牌眾多,能滿足大家對試劑多種規(guī)格、不同包裝的需求,全國大中城市及偏遠地區(qū)包郵或免費快遞,我們提供的試劑產品價格行業(yè)適中,*,訂購! A71038 C4a(Mouse Complement fragment 4a)ELISA Kit 小鼠過敏毒素/補體片斷4a 48T A71039 T3(Mouse Tri-iodothyronine)ELISA Kit 小鼠三碘甲狀腺原氨酸 48T A71040 C5a(Mouse Complement fragment 5a)ELISA Kit 小鼠補體片斷5a 48T A71041 C3a(Mouse Complement fragment 3a)ELISA Kit 小鼠補體片斷3a 48T A71042 17-OHP(Mouse 17-Hydroxyprogesterone)ELISA Kit 小鼠17羥孕酮 48T A71043 FS(Mouse Follistatin)ELISA Kit 小鼠卵泡抑素 48T A71044 HD(Mouse Histone Deacetylase)ELISA Kit 小鼠組織蛋白去乙酰化酶 48T A71045 E3(Mouse Estriol)ELISA Kit 小鼠雌三醇 48T A71046 ASD(Mouse Androstenedione)ELISA Kit 小鼠雄烯二酮 48T A71047 F-TESTO(Mouse Free Testoterone)ELISA Kit 小鼠游離睪酮 48T A71048 T(Mouse Testoterone)ELISA Kit 小鼠睪酮 48T A71049 PROG(Mouse Progesterone)ELISA Kit 小鼠孕激素/孕酮 48T A71050 sRANKL(Mouse soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand)ELISA Kit 小鼠可溶性核因子κB受體活化因子配基 48T A71051 CT(Mouse Calcitonin)ELISA Kit 小鼠降鈣素 48T A71052 ET-1(Mouse Endothelin 1)ELISA Kit 小鼠內皮素1 48T A71053 E2(Mouse Estradiol)ELISA Kit 小鼠雌二醇 48T A71054 Cortisol(Mouse Cortisol)ELISA Kit 小鼠皮質醇 48T A71055 TSH(Mouse Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)ELISA Kit 小鼠促甲狀腺素 48T A71056 Methylase(Mouse Methylase)ELISA Kit 小鼠甲基化酶 48T A71057 PCNA(Mouse proliferating cell nuclear antigen antibody)ELISA Kit 小鼠抗增殖細胞核抗原抗體 48T A71058 LPL(Mouse lipoprotein lipase)ELISA Kit 小鼠脂蛋白脂酶 48T A71059 TRACP-5b(Mouse tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b)ELISA Kit 小鼠抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶5b 48T A71060 GIP(Mouse Glucose-dependent insulin-releasing polypeptide)ELISA Kit 小鼠葡萄糖依賴性胰島素釋放多肽 48T A71061 GP-II(Mouse Glycogen phosphorylase II)ELISA Kit 小鼠糖原磷酸化酶同工酶II 48T A71062 GP-MM(Mouse Glycogen phosphorylase MM)ELISA Kit 小鼠糖原磷酸化酶同工酶MM 48T A71063 GP-BB(Mouse Glycogen phosphorylase BB)ELISA Kit 小鼠糖原磷酸化酶同工酶BB 48T A71064 TAb(Mouse Thyroxine antibody)ELISA Kit 小鼠甲狀腺素抗體 48T A71065 TRAb(Mouse thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antidoby)ELISA Kit 小鼠抗促甲狀腺素受體抗體 48T A71066 CA(Mouse catecholamine)ELISA Kit 小鼠兒茶酚胺 48T A71067 IL-27(Mouse Interleukin 27)ELISA Kit 小鼠白介素27 48T A71068 IL-23(Mouse Interleukin 23)ELISA Kit 小鼠白介素23 48T A71069 CT-1(Mouse cardiotrophln 1)ELISA Kit 小鼠心肌營養(yǎng)素1 48T A71070 Alpha-Fodrin IgG/IgA(Mouse anti-alpha-Fodrin IgG/IgA)ELISA Kit 小鼠抗α-胞襯蛋白抗體IgG/IgA 48T A71071 AT- III (Mouse Anti-Thrombin III )ELISA Kit 小鼠抗凝血酶Ⅲ抗體 48T A71072 NP-Y(Mouse neuropeptide Y) ELISA Kit 小鼠神經肽Y 48T A71073 GHRP(Mouse Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide) ELISA Kit 小鼠生長激素釋放多肽 48T A71074 Gelsolin(Mouse Gelsolin ) ELISA Kit 小鼠凝溶膠蛋白 48T A71075 RANKL(Mouse receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand) ELISA Kit 小鼠核因子κB受體活化因子配基 48T 糖原ⅨA71076 TpP(Mouse thrombus precursor protein) ELISA Kit 小鼠血栓前體蛋白 48T A71077 GnRH(Mouse gonadotropin-releasing hormone) ELISA Kit 小鼠促性腺激素釋放激素 48T A71078 INH-BGnRH(Mouse inhibin B) ELISA Kit 小鼠抑制素B 48T |